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Notification dated 25-03-2025 regarding answer keys of the question paper for the Screening test held on 22-03-2025 in connection with the direct recruitment of Chauffeur for Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
Notification dated 06/03/2025 regarding schedule of the Screening test in connection with the direct recruitment of Chauffeur (Driver) for the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court. – (Notification : Provisional List of Candidates : Reject List)
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Notification dated 25/03/2025 regarding answer keys of the question paper for the Screening test held on 22/03/2025 in connection with the direct recruitment of Chauffeur for Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
Download Admit Card for Screening Test for Direct Recruitment to the Post of Driver in the Gauhati High Court, Kohima Bench, 2025.
Notification dated 06/03/2025 regarding schedule of the Screening test in connection with the direct recruitment of Chauffeur (Driver) for the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court. – (Notification : Provisional List of Candidates : Reject List)
Order dated 06/02/2025 regarding final result for recruitment of Senior Technical Officer (Contractual) at Gauhati High Court Kohima Bench for a period of 1(one) year under Live Streaming component of eCourts Project Phase-III.
Online Application for the post of Driver in the Gauhati High Court, Kohima Bench, 2025.
Practical Skill Test and Walk-in-Interview for filling up of 1(one) vacant post of Senior Technical Officer (Contractual) at the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
Advertisement dated 29/01/2025 for filling up 3 posts of Chauffeur (Driver) in the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
Walk-in-Interview for filling up the vacant post of Senior Technical Officer (STO) at Gauhati High Court Kohima Bench under Live Streaming componenet of eCourts Project Phase-III on contractual basis for a period of 1(one) year
Admit Card for Main Written Examination for direct recruitment to Grade-III of Nagaland Judicial Service, 2024.
Notification dated 03/10/2024 regarding calling of options for appearing in the LDCE for promotion from Grade-II to Grade-I of Nagaland Judicial Service, 2024.
Addendum notification dated 25/09/2024 regarding result of preliminary examination in connection with direct recruitment to Grade-III of Nagaland Judicial Service, 2024.
Notification dated 25/09/2024 regarding final result in connection with the direct recruitment of Senior Personal Assistant (Stenographer Grade-II) in the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
(Final Marks
: Written Exam Marks
: Stenography Test Marks)
Notification dated 05/09/2024 regarding schedule of the Interview/Viva-Voce in connection with the direct recruitment of Senior Personal Assistant (Stenographer Grade-II) in the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
Notification dated 29/08/2024 regarding Preliminary Result and Schedule of Main Written Examination in connection with direct recruitment to Grade-III of Nagaland Judicial Service, 2024. (Notification:
Notification dated 14/08/2024 regarding modified Answer Key of Perliminary Examination (Objective Type Multiple Choice) in connection with direct recruitment to Grade-III of Nagaland Judicial Service, 2024.
Admit Card for Written Examination (Descriptive Type) (Stage-II) for the posts of Senior Personal Assistant (Stenographer Grade-II) in the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
Notification dated 30/07/2024 regarding Answer Key of Preliminery Examination (Objective Type Multiple Choice) in connection with direct recruitment to Grade-III of Nagaland Judicial Service, 2024.
Download Admit Card for Preliminary Examination for Direct Recruitment to Grade-III of Nagaland Judicial Service, 2024.
Notification dated 17/07/2024 regarding schedule of written examination in connection with direct recruitment to Senior Personal Assistant (Stenographer Grade-II) in the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
Notification dated 19/06/2024 regarding schedule of preliminary examination in connection with direct recruitment to Grade-III of Nagaland Judicial Service, 2024. |
(Provisional List of Candidates)
(Rejected Candidates List)
Download Admit Card for Stenography Skill Test for the Posts of Senior Personal Assistant (Stenographer Grade-II) in the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
Online application for recruitment into Grade-III of Nagaland Judicial Service, 2024.
Notification dated 02/05/2024 regarding schedule of the stenography skill test in connection with the direct recruitment of Senior Personal Assistant (Stenographer Grade-II) in the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
(Provisional List of Candidates)
(Rejected Candidates List)
Order dated 30/04/2024 regarding appointment of Systems Assistant (Contractual) for the District Court of Peren, Nagaland.
Advertisement dated 26/04/2024 for direct recruitment to Grade-III of Nagaland Judicial Service,2024.
Notification dated 24/04/2024 regarding result in connection with Practical Skill Test and Walk-in-Interview for filling up of 1(one) vacant post of Systems Assistant (Contractual) for the District Court of Peren, Nagaland.
Practical Skill Test and Walk-in-Interview for filling up of 1(one) vacant post of Systems Assistant (Contractual) for the District Court of Peren, Nagaland.
Notification dated 20/03/2024 regarding final result in connection with the direct recruitment of Judicial Assistant in the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
(Final Marks
: Written Exam Marks)
Advertisement dated 07/03/2024 for recruitment of Systems Assistant (Contractual) at District Court, Peren, Nagaland.
(Application Form)
Online Application for the Posts of Senior Personal Assistant (Stenographer Grade-II) in the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
Advertisement dated 28/02/2024 for direct recruitment of Senior Personal Assistant in the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
Notification dated 21/02/2024 regarding result of the written examination held on 27-01-2024 in connection with direct recruitment of Judicial Assistant for Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
Notification dated 06/02/2024 regarding modification of answer keys in connection with the direct recruitment of Judicial Assistant for the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
Order dated 01/02/2024 regarding engagement of Senior Technical Officer (Contractual) at Gauhati High Court Kohima Bench for a period of 1(one) year under Phase-III of the eCourts Project for the State of Nagaland.
Notification dated 31/01/2024 regarding final result for recruitment of Senior Technical Officer (Contractual) at Gauhati High Court Kohima Bench for a period of 1(one) year under Phase-III of the eCourts Project for the State of Nagaland.
Notification dated 29/01/2024 regarding answer key of the Written Examination dated 27/01/2024 (Saturday) in connection with direct recruitment 4(four) posts of Judicial Assistant in the Kohima Bench of Gauhati High Court.
Walk-in-Interview Notice and Schedule for recruitment of Senior Technical Officer (STO) at Gauhati High Court Kohima Bench on contractual basis for a period of 1 (one) year, under Phase III of eCourts Project, with provisional list of candidate and reject list.
Link for downloading the Admit Card for written examination for direct recruitment to the 4(four) posts of Judicial Assistant in the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
Walk-in-Interview for filling up the vacant post of Senior Technical Officer at Gauhati High Court Kohima Bench on contractual basis for a period of 1 (one) year, under Phase III of eCourts Project.
Notification dated 12/12/2023 regarding schedule of the written examination in connection with direct recruitment to 4(four) posts of Judicial Assistant in the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
(View Provisional list of candidates)
(View List of rejected candidates)
Apply online for the posts of Judicial Assistant in the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
Advertisement Notice dated 26/07/2023 for direct recruitment of Judicial Assistant in the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
Appointment of 1(one) eSewa Kendra Office Assistant on contractual basis for Gauhati High Court Kohima Bench under Phase-II of the eCourts Project for the State of Nagaland.
Result of the Walk-In-Interview held on 27th and 28th March, 2023 for recruitment of 1(one) eSewa Kendra Office Assistant on contractual basis for Gauhati High Court Kohima Bench under Phase-II of the eCourts Project for the State of Nagaland.
Walk-in-Interview Notice and Schedule for recruitment of 1(one) post of eSewa Kendra Office Assistant on contractual basis at Gauhati High Court Kohima Bench under Phase-II of eCourts Project.
(Download Provisional list of Candidateds)
Walk-in-Interview for filling up 1 (one) post of eSewa Kendra Office Assistant on contractual basis at Gauhati High Court Kohima Bench under Phase-II of eCourts Project.
(Application Form)
Notification dated 03-02-2023 regarding final result in connection with the direct recruitment of 1(one) Chauffeur in the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
Notification dated 19/12/2022 regarding result of the driving test and schedule of the Interview/Viva-voce in connection with the direct recruitment of Chauffeur(Driver) in the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
Link for downloading the admit card for the driving test in connection with the direct recruitment of Chauffeur (Driver) in the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
Notification dated 21/11/2022 regarding result of the screening test and schedule of the driving test in connection with the direct recruitment of Chauffeur (Driver) in the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
Notification dated 21/11/2022 regarding the result of the written examination dated 05/11/2022 and schedule of the Interview/ Viva-Voce in connection with the direct recruitment of Library Assistant in the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
Notification regarding the answer keys of the question paper for the screening test dated 05-11-2022 in connection with the direct recruitment of chauffeur (Driver) in the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
Notification regarding the answer keys of the question paper for the written examimation dated 05/11/2022 in connection with the direct recruitment of Library Assistant in the Kohima Bench of Gauhati High Court.
Link for downloading the Admit Card for written examination for the post of Library Assistant in the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
Link for downloading the Admit Card for Screening Test for the post of Chauffeur (Driver) in the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
Notification dated 27/10/2022 regarding reporting time for written examimation scheduled on 05/11/2022 for direct recruitment of 1(one) Library Assistant and 1(one) Chauffeur for Gauhati High Court Kohima Bench.
Corrigendum dated 13/10/2022 in connection with the direct recruitment of Library Assistant and Chauffeur in the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
Notification dated 11/10/2022 regarding schedule of the written examination in connection with the direct recruitment of Library Assistantin the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court
Apply Online for the posts of Chauffeur (Driver) at the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
Advertisement dated 10/08/2022 for direct recruitment of 1(one) post of Chauffeur (Driver) at Gauhati High Court Kohima Bench.
Notification dated 27/07/2022 regarding appointment of Senior Technical Officer and place of posting.
[ Duties & Responsibilities ]
Notification dated 22/07/2022 regarding offer of appointment to the post of Senoir Technical Officer to Shri. Puloto Katty, Waiting List No.1.
Notification dated 18/07/2022 regarding offer of appointment to selected candidates for the post of Senior Technical Officers and submission of acceptance letter thereof .
Final result for recruitment of Senior Technical Officer (Contractual) for period of 1(one) year for District Courts under Phase-II of the eCourts Project for the State of Nagaland.
[Final Marks]
Order dated 17/06/2022 regarding schedule of interview for recruitment of Senior Technical Officer(Contractual).
[Provisional Select List: Download]
[Reject List: Download]
Apply online for direct recruitment to the post of Library Assistant in the Kohima Bench of the Guahati High Court.
Advertisement dated 02/06/2022 for direct recruitment to the post of Library Assistant in the Kohima Bench of the Guahati High Court.
Application form for recruitment of Senior Technical Officer.
Notice dated 13th May 2022 regarding recruitment of Senior Technical Officer.
Selected list for the post of Senior Personal Assistant/Stenographer Grade II.
Notification dated 18-09-2021 regarding result of Written Examination (Descriptive Type) and schedule of Viva-Voce/ Interview in connection with direct recruitment of Sr. Personal Assistant/ Stenographer Grade-II for the Kohima Bench, Kohima, Nagaland.
Notification dated 31/08/2021 regarding venue for Written Examination (Descriptive type) on English Proficiency for 2(two) posts of Sr. Personal Assistant.
Final result of Systems Assistant (Contractual) for Peren District Court.
Notification dated 06/08/2021 regarding schedule of the written examination for the post of Sr. Personal Assistant/ Stenographer Grade-II of Kohima Bench, Kohima, Nagaland.
Admit Card download link for Stenography Skill Test for direct recruitment of 2 post of Senior Personal Assistant.
Notice dated 09/07/2021 regarding admit card download link for Senior Personal Assistant exam at GHC, Kohima Bench.
Notice Dated 05/07/201 regarding interview call for recruitment of Systems Assistant(Contrctual) District Court Peren.
Notice dated 05/07/2021 regarding interview schedule for Systems Assistant(Contractual) for District Court Peren.
Notification dated 18/06/2021 calling 3(three) recommended NJS officers for undergoing in-house training at Judicial Academy Assam for promotion from Grade-II to Grade-I.
Notification dated 16/06.2021 regarding recommendation for promotation of NJS officers from Grade-II to Grade-I.
Order dated 07.06.2021 regarding Interview/Viva-voce in connection with regular promotion process from Grade-II to Grade-I of NJS to be conducted through Video Confernecing on 09.06.2021.
Notification dated 05/06/2021 regarding interview in connection with regular promotion process from Grade-II to Grade-I of NJS.
Notice dated 28/04/2021 regarding cancellation of Stenography Skill Test for direct recruitment of 2 post of Senior Personal Assistant.
Correngendum dated 19.04.2021 regarding modification of time for Stenography Skill Test for direct recruitment of 2 post of Senior Personal Assistant
Corrigendum dated 09/04/2021 regarding date and venue for skill test and direct recruitment of two post of SPA for GHC, Kohima Bench.
Notification dated 09/04/2021 regarding revised schedule of the stenography skill test for recruitment of Senior Personal Assistant in the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
Notice Dated 26.03.2021 regarding venue for stenography skill test for direct recruitment of 2(two) post of Senior Personal Assistant.
Notice dated 25/03/2021 regarding written and practical examination for recruitment of 1(one) post of Systems Assistant(contractual) for the district of Peren.
Provisional list of Systems Assistant(contractual) recruitment for District Court Peren.
Notification dated 25/03/2021 regarding schedule of stenography skill test in connection with direct recruitment of Senior Personal Assistant (Stenographer Grade II) in the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
Online application for the post of Senior Personal Assistant/Stenographer Grade-II at Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
Advertisement dated 21/01/2021 for filling up the post of Senior Personal Assistant/Stenographer Grade-II at Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
Advertisement dated 21/01/2021 for the post of Systems Assistant(contractual) at District Court Peren.
Advertisement dated 24th February 2020 for the post of Systems Assistant(contractual) at District Court Peren.
Notification dated 05/02/2020 regarding schedual of stenography skill test in connection with the direct recruitment of Senior Personal Assistant in the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
Advertisement dated 25/11/2019 for filling up the post of Senior Personal Assistant.
Advertisement dated 28th June 2019 for the post of Systems Assistant(contractual) at District Court Peren.
Notification dated 18/06/2019 regarding final result in connection with the direct recruitment of Judicail Assisstant for the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court.
Merit wise marksheets of JA candidates in the Interview.
Roll wise marks of JA candidates in written Examination dated 25/05/2019
Interview Notice for the Post of Judicial Assistant.
Notification dated 03/06/2019 regarding result of Written Examination dated 25/05/2019 (Saturday) and scheduled of Viva-voce/ Interview in connection with the direct recruitment of Judicial Assistant for the Kohima Bench of Gauhati High Court.
Notification dated 31/05/2019 regarding modified answer key of Written Exam dated 25-05-2019(Saturday) in connection with the direct recruitment of Judicial Assistant in the Kohima Bench of Gauhati High Court.
Notification dated 27/05/2019 regarding answer key of the Written Examination dated 25/05/2019(Saturday) in connection with direct recruitment of Judicial Assistant in the Kohima Bench of Gauhati High Court.
Notification dated 17/05/2019 regarding additional provisional list of candidated for JA exam.
Advertisement dated 16/05/2019 for direct recruitment to Grade-III of Nagaland Judicial Service 2019.
Notification dated 29/04/2019 regarding schedule of written test for direct recruitment of Judicial Assisstant, Kohima Bench, Kohima.
Provisional List of JA written exam for direct recruitment.
Rejected list of applicants of JA written exam for direct recruitment.
Notification dated 26/02/2019 regarding final select list in connection with direct recruitment to Grade-I of Nagaland Judicial Service.
Advertisement dated 22/02/2019 for post of Judicial Assistant.
Download Application form for the post of Judicial Assistant.
Download Admit Card for Viva-Voce/Interview of Grade-III of NJS.
Notification dated 18/02/2019 regarding dectaration of result of Main Written examination in connection with direct recruitment to Grade-III of Nagaland Judicial Service along with the schedule of Viva-Voce.
Notification dated 07/02/2019 regarding declaration of result of Main Written Examination in connection with direct recruitment to Grade-I of Nagaland Judicial Service along with the schedule of Viva-voce.
Notification dated 31/01/2019 regarding final result in connection with direct recruitment to the post of Sanitation Attendant for Gauhati High Court, Kohima Bench, Kohima, Nagaland.
Notification dated 31/01/2019 regarding final result in connection with direct recruitment to the post of Chauffeur for the Gauhati High Court, Kohima Bench, Kohima, Nagaland.
Notification dated 31/01/2019 regarding final result in connection with direct recruitment to the post of Chef for the Gauhati High Court, Kohima Bench, Kohima, Nagaland.
Download Admit Card for NJS Grade I Preliminary Exam.
Notification 07/12/2018-2-PL.
Notification dated 07 -L-1OLa regarding preliminary examination in connection with direct recruitment to Grade I of Nagaland Judicial Service, 2018.(NotificationProvisional List).
Notification Dated 19/11/2018 result of Grade-III NJS prelim exam held on 04/11/2018.
Notification Dated 19/11/2018 rollwise marks of Grade-III NJS prelim exam held on 04/11/2018.
Notification dated 12/11/2018 regarding one post in Grade I of Nagaland Judicial Servcice.
Notification dated 4/11/2018 regarding answer key of the preliminary written examination dated 4-11-2018 for recruitment of Nagaland Judicial Service Grade III.
Notification Dated 12/10/2018 regarding Direct Recruitment to Grade-III of NJS.
Provisional List of candidates for Preliminary Examination Grade-III of NJS 2018.
Reject List of Applicants Grade-III of NJS 2018.
Notification dated 06/08/2018 in reference to payment of exam fees for Nagaland Judicial Service Grade III exam.
Advertisement dated 1/08/2018 for direct recruitment to Grade-III of Nagaland Judicial Service
Advertisement Dated 16/05/2018 For the post of Systems Assistant(CONTRACT).
Advertisement dated Kohima 08/05/2018.
Notification dated 25/04/2018 direct recruitment to Grade-III.
Final result for the Post of STO & Developer Dated 28/03/2018.
Notification dated 28/03/2018 Main Written examination result Grade-III Viva-Voce.
Advertisement dated 1st March 2018 for the post of Sr.Tech Officer and Developer.
Notification 28/02/2018 Transfer and posting of Grade-I and Grade-II NJS Officers.